Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gotta Start Somewhere

So I figure I’ve had this blog for about a week at least now and I haven’t posted anything yet, I should probably do something about this. Well here goes.
Amongst other things lately, like all college kids I’ve been lost in thought about what to do with my life. It’s even more fun because I’m a senior at the age of eighteen. While this might sound like brag, and to some extent it is, it puts me in an awkward position at my university. I go to a school that is the second choice for many, which fits into my personality just fine, but puts me in classes where I sleep through lecture and score in the top ten percent on every test. Once again brag, but accurate if unfortunate. I miss the fun challenges and diversity of classes that I took while in high school.
Another thing that I miss is being able to do nice things easily with little to no accountability. I was on a thing called social committee in my Senior English class in high school. This was awesome because it allowed me to do fun things for people like celebrate their birthdays or make sure that they got things on Valentines Day. This might not sound like a lot but it was engaging and I know it made other people at least look forward to school if not enjoy the classes more. This was really one of the more enjoyable aspects of my senior year.
So I guess the connecting line here would be the lack of connection I feel now in my senior year of college as compared to my senior year of high school. It’s really caused a jump in my apathy levels. If only they could find a cure for apathy; would anyone care?
I’m sure I’ll get some more posts up here eventually, but for now this can start it, and hopefully they’ll be more enthusiastic or uplifting at the least.


Cat said...

A. This post rocks. And really makes me miss high school. Sad, I know. But you'll find ways to serve again! And you have to invite me to your college reunion. And
B. My blog link on your page is wrong. It links to, but my page is The 'the' is very important.
Have a great day!

Ashley said...

Say What? You're a senior???
I know how you feel...kinda. BYU Salt Lake Center is where kids go for easier classes. So, I like...have the highest grade in my Biology class. Which is weird on SO many levels.
Didn't you want to be a science teacher at one point?

Cat said...

PS I just realized I wrote college reunion, when I meant graduation. This will teach me to watch tv while I am on the computer.